
by • February 20, 2017 • Microblogging Sites, Social Media, TumblrComments (0)1103

3 Ways to Achieve Quality Followers on Tumblr

Tumblr is the most invaluable social tool connecting consistent audience. It is a free micro-blogging site to share posts like text, images, audio, video, quote, links, etc. Generally, Tumblr is recognized for its bigger association such as TV shows, quality blogs and art. If used properly, it can turn out to be a social media marketing tool for your company. It is quite easy to create a blog on Tumblr and easy to understand the basics of it. You have to decide the type of content you want to post and try to keep all of your posts and blogs within the span.

Here are some tips to be followed to get quality followers on Tumblr:

Keep it Genuine

Keep your blog original and genuine. Work on new and trendy topics that haven’t appeared on internet. In Tumblr, your blog should influence others. If required, you can change the URL of your primary blog.

Build Network

Once you are done with the content you want to post, you can move forward with the next step i.e, sharing to the people interested with the similar topics. Tumblr is an unbelievable source of sharing ideas. This platform is mainly utilized by bloggers. The more you communicate, the faster you grow as this is the unique site for bloggers.

Followings are the best ways to build connections on Tumblr,

  • Follow: Follow back the one who follows you. By doing so, you will be able to maintain and develop relationship between you and your new followers.
  • Keywords: Try finding keywords based on your interest and then reblogging these will be good way of developing relations with bloggers. At the same time, reblogging along with your own positive comments is an awesome way to embellish your conversation with other users.
  • Tag your posts: It’s not easy to tag a post on Tumblr as you tag photos on other social media sites. Here you can tag your posts with 5 main keywords so that it will guide you for your own blog and your followers too. Be frequent in bringing out good content.
  • Sending Fanmail: Tumblr is designed with an exceptional feature where you can directly message other bloggers. You can also start with Q-A process and built connections with other bloggers.

Give your blog time to grow

We all know things take time. You can’t be a star overnight, similarly, none of the blogs can gain thousands of followers instantly no matter how high the quality of the blog is. In the beginning, the process will be slow but as the days will pass the history of your quality post will build up strong and your connections will quickly increase the number of followers. Show your presence in Tumblr actively and consistently.

happy wheels

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