by • April 26, 2017 • Advertising, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Networking, Social MediaComments (0)1786

7 Awesome Ideas For Better Facebook Advertising

Millions of users use Facebook to build connections and this social media networking site is also utilized by companies to grow their businesses over time. Facebook provides a user-friendly and an effective interface for the users. Facebook Marketing provides huge opportunities for targeting options for every ad campaigns to grow. Business can easily set up their ad campaign with low investment and time.

Below are a few points to be followed for better Facebook advertising:

  1. Create brilliant ad images: The best way to initiate interest in your customers is by creating ad images that will catch the user’s attention. Once noticed, the users will read through your ad as well. So be sure that you appropriately manage your ad visuals to stand out in the crowded news feed. Also, include a mix of contrasting colors, bold fonts and spaces to make your ad more attractive. You can also try different and unique headlines for your ad.
  2. Use video ads: You must have noticed that most of the successful brands run video ads instead of text ads. According to statistics, shoppers who watch video ads are more likely to be converted into leads compared to the ones who have not watched. Do not forget to include captions to your video as most of the Facebook users prefer to play videos without sound.
  3. Take advantage of Facebook live video: One of the most popular feature that Facebook has come up with is Facebook live video (including filters) wherein you can broadcast live video to your target audience in real time. Another interesting point of this new feature is that you can track how your audience reacts at specific points during a live broadcast.
  4. Carousel ads: Facebook allows you to narrate a story using carousal ads. Using info-graphics, using multiple products as a product catalogue, etc. can help you perform better in advertising online. You can showcase up to ten images or videos in a single carousel advertisement each having their own link.
  5. Create new Facebook ad landing pages: After clicking your ad, you should lead your visitors to a landing page that includes similar design elements. The best thing is to have separate landing pages for each Facebook ad campaign. This way you can keep track of your conversions.
  6. Tune your ad targets: You should learn to recognize your target Facebook audience excluding as many irrelevant audience as possible. This way you can save your ad costs to a great extent. Focus on your niche audience for better response in terms of regular visits, leads and conversions.
  7. Adjust your bid strategy: Keep evaluating your ad performance for different campaigns with various bid and budget strategies. Test different ad campaigns to compare and find the best performing ones for better future results..

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