
by • August 15, 2016 • Digital Marketing, Image Sharing Sites, Instagram, Networking, Social MediaComments (0)856

Instagram Marketing Strategies You Need To Know

Instagram is an online social networking service that allows the users to share photos and videos to their followers which then they can share on other social networking sites.

If you’re not a celebrity, it’s very hard to be famous on Instagram. But its not all about getting famous, its about building a presence on the platform so as to connect and engage with your target market. Adopt the following strategies in order be successful on Instagram:

  • Hashtags – The most important element

Apart from captions, hashtags reveal a lot about your image. If you use hashtags for your images, your image can be seen by others outside your current sphere of followers. Furthermore, there are three strategies for choosing hashtags: Use popular hashtags that people are likely to search for; use less popular hashtags but relevant ones to find more targeted users; use hashtags to attract new followers.

  • Instagram Community

Use Instagram as a platform to build professional relationships with your audience. Engage with your customers and participate in Instagram campaigns to further contribute.

  • Posting frequency

Update your posts on a frequency that works best for your customers. Start with once a day, and gradually try to increase the frequency.

  • Maintain your brand’s vibe within your profile

In order to be successful on Instagram, pay attention to how your images contribute to your company’s identity. Consider adding one brand-specific hashtag to your profile so users know it ‘belongs’ to you. Also, include a link back to your website.

  • Be a follower

Unless you are a well known brand, you have to follow people back. Apart from these, find new users to follow. Here are few tips to find worthy people on Instagram: Search for people or companies you know; follow influencers in your industry; search for company related hashtags.

  • Instagram Ads

Instagram allows all businesses to advertise on the platform. You need a Facebook account to create an Instagram ad. Ads can only be created in Facebook ad creation or Power Editor. Advertising companies
try and extend the reach of organic posts.

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