Digital Media Marketing Keywords

by • September 21, 2016 • Digital Marketing, Search Engine OptimizationComments (0)1160

Keywords – An important aspect of Digital Media Marketing

Most of the people today search for products and services online and the first thing they do is type a keyword phrase into the search box. Using specific keywords to target audience is the basis of Digital Media Marketing. Keywords are basically connectors that connect the digital marketer to their audience. Therefore, it is essential to find the right sets of keywords to focus on your Internet marketing campaign.

Some of the critical locations for keywords are as follows:

  • Page title: Include your most important keyword in your page title. Keep it within 55 characters and do not stuff iterations of your keyword.
  • Header tags: Including H1 and H2 tags ensures that your keywords get picked up and help your ranking.
  • Meta description: A meta description is that snippet of information that tells the user what the page is all about. A good meta description is no more than 155 characters long and should include your keywords.
  • Alt tags: Even though Google is essentially “image blind,” make sure that you include your keyword in every descriptor of your image which also includes alt tags, image file name, description, and the caption.
  • Content: The content that you put in your page should revolve around your keyword. You can use synonyms, phrases that stand in for your keyword in your content writing.
  • URL: Use your keyword in the URL at least once in such a way that it describes the page contents and helps the user in navigation as well.

Keywords can be categorized into the following:

  • Product-focused keywords: Product-focused keywords relate to a specific product type or model. People usually compare several products in order to find the best one for their needs for more information, product review, etc. If you can provide specific keywords, they might convert into customers.
  • Buying keywords: People that search for buying keywords are the online shoppers and have the strongest commercial intent. Buying keywords usually generate the highest conversion rates, since the people searching for them are at the final stage of the buying process. In short, they’re the people most likely to become customers.
  • Informational keywords: People that search using these keywords usually want to learn more about a specific product. Since the search keywords are related to a specific product, these searchers are likely to have some level of interest in the product they’re researching.
  • Noncommercial keywords: People that search for noncommercial keywords are typically looking for free giveaways, offers and other promos. The vast majority in this category will never produce a single sale. If you’re running an AdWords campaign, most noncommercial keywords belong in your negative keyword list.

The following concepts help in keyword optimization:

  • Keyword weight: It refers to the number of keywords appearing on your page compared to the total number of words appearing on that same page. By keeping the overall number of words to a minimum, you can increase the “weight” of the keyword you are emphasizing.
  • Keyword frequency: It refers to how often does a keyword appear in a website title or description. If you repeat a word too many times, you are be penalized for “spamming” or keyword stuffing.
  • Keyword prominence: It measures how high on you page, keywords are found. It is recommended that you place keywords in the first heading and in the first paragraph.
  • Keyword proximity: It refers to the placement of keywords on a web page in relation to other words with a similar meaning as the queried keyword.

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