
by • February 11, 2017 • Graphic DesigningComments (0)1613

Know Everything About Brochure Designing

A brochure is similar to a pamphlet, magazine, a leaflet or a kind of print advertisement that contains pictures with information related to the goods and services an organization provides. Brochure Designing can be envisaged as a classic tool to meet the market requirements. Try providing the top notch service to your customers with quality tailored and appealing designs.

Keep in mind the  following three factors while designing your brochure:

Design – Brochures creates an impression about your company and is also a key component of offline powerful marketing tool. Try to use a design that reflects to the brain and that also pleases your eyes. In most of the cases budget decides the structure of your brochure design. Be careful while designing corporate and professional brochures. Accentuate, fresh and clean brochure designs will motivate the readers to focus on your products.

Content – Brochures need to contain as much fresh content as possible to grasp the attention of the readers. Highlight the keywords for your target audience. Use convenient language to provide the readers with the right information with ease. Your brochure content should be engaging, memorable and appealing so that your customers should goes for your product instead that of your opponents. If you fail to provide useful information, your brochures may be tossed away as soon as they receive it.

Relevance – Brochures are often used to inform, educate and influence the clients in order to sell out the services that you offer. Therefore, provide full fledged information that will help the readers to know more about your organization and related information like events, programs, special offers, etc.

Brochures can be categorized into the following types:

  • Bi-Fold Brochure Design: A bi-fold brochure is a single sheet folded in two and printed. A bi-fold brochure can be of identical or opposite folds.

  • Tri-Fold Brochure Design: A tri-fold brochure is almost similar to a bi-fold brochure where-in the former is folded in three sections. These type of brochures are used by many because of its clout and it is very much popular for mail shots.

  • Z-Fold Brochure Design: Z-fold or Accordion-fold brochure is a single sheet folded twice in a zigzag shape. It is also known as a fan fold brochure. The outer left case folds to the left and the inner right case folds to the right forming the brochure cover.

  • 4 Panel Fold Brochure Design or Double Parallel Brochure Design: The 4 panel fold brochure is created by folding the paper into half and then half again to be parallel to the other half.

  • Quater Fold Brochure Design: Quarter fold brochures create 4 quarters of equal sizes where the folds are 90 degrees to each other.

  • Gate Fold Brochure Design: This type of brochure design is not at all similar to the other folds. In this, the open and closed folds are created in a unique format. In open and closed gate folds, the left and the right edges folds inwards to meet in the middle of the pages without overlapping.

  • Punch and Spiral Brochure Design: These types of brochures can have different variation including comb binding and zip binding. These brochures require holes bunched into papers to hold the pages in one place.

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