
by • August 16, 2016 • Digital Marketing, Graphic DesigningComments (0)946

Logo Designing – Do’s & Dont’s

A logo for your business is as important as your face is to you. It reveals a lot about your company’s identity. The power of logo designing lies in its visual nature. Your logo should stand out from others to create a unique presence of your company. The logo that you design today will be used by the company for the next ten or twenty years. So, pay attention to the following do’s and dont’s while designing a logo.


  • Make sure that your logo is simple

A logo need not necessarily require caption or brand’s name. A complicated logo is not only difficult to identify, but also fails in engaging with the audience. A logo is like a badge, not a proclamation. Thus, keep it simple for effective branding and marketing of your company.

  • Choose an appealing design for your logo

Be as innovative as possible when it comes to designing your logo. One’s logo needs to be versatile keeping in mind that your audience have different tastes and preferences.

  • Think out-of-the-box

The aim is to try and make your brand identifiable. The easiest way to achieve this is through uniqueness. Instead of copying or trying too hard, just observe things related to your company’s motto and apply your imagination.

  • Story behind the logo

Every logo should have a hidden story to tell. A logo that ties into the company’s core values and mission is a strong logo.


  • Do not mess up with the colors: Choose attractive yet decent combinations of colors.
  • Do not over innovate: Keep your thinking simple to produce best results.
  • Do not underestimate typography: Choosing the right font can make or break your logo. Choose a font style that fits in with the personality of the icon and the brand.

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